Psalm 87

The meaning of the Psalm is not clear at first pass, but as we dig in, this is one of the more beautiful Psalms. Verses 1 – 3 describe a future Zion as the chosen city of God. It is on the holy mountain, loved by God and spoken of gloriously. This is the same place Revelation 14:1 describes:

“Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.”

The next three verses, 4 – 6, are where it gets good. All of the nations described in v4 are (or were) enemies of Israel throughout their history. The references “this one was born in there” in verses 4, 5, and 6 are saying this enemy nation is apart of Zion. These verses speak to the inclusion of these enemy nations in God’s holy city. The Lord has established Zion for this purpose and ‘registered’ these people as citizens. The Psalm is implicitly saying what the new testament says explicitly: God’s enemies are included in salvation. The 144,000 that Revelation 14 describes includes people that historically and traditionally are ‘enemies of God’.

Psalm 88

I feel that this Psalm speaks for itself so I won’t draw any overarching conclusions but just offer some observations from this chapter for you to consider with your own meditations.

I don’t know where everyone is with Jesus but I’m praying for you all. I hope Jesus is using the Psalm Study to bring you closer to him.

June 19, 2017